Ogni tappo di sughero sembra esser creato per il "suo" vino, per esaltarne e conservarne le particolari caratteristiche, sia esso rosso, bianco o rosato, fermo o frizzante, novello o invecchiato
Ogni tappo di sughero sembra esser creato per il "suo" vino, per esaltarne e conservarne le particolari caratteristiche, sia esso rosso, bianco o rosato, fermo o frizzante, novello o invecchiato

Our clients are our present and future

We pay great attention to our clients' needs, always striving for excellent client satisfaction. Our success is founded on our ability to build close and loyal relationships with our clients whilst responding constantly to market feedback. When choosing the most suitable corks for their wine, clients are advised and guided by our experts. In addition, we can travel to the client’s site to provide support and technical assistance where required.


"The quality of your wine is at the heart of our work!"

Stampa | Mappa del sito
© Winetops srl - Zona Artigianale C.da Magaggiaro 91028 Partanna TP Tel./Fax: + 0039 0924 922604 - info@winetops.it - C.F. & P. Iva: 02307980819